


Merry Christmas, world.

Hope *Santa and *Jesus were good to you.   

I’m currently watching my very favourite gift, from Christy Claus.  The U2 ZooTV tour DVD.  I’ve been looking for it for years.  She found it.  She’s accomplished a whole lot of seemingly impossible things this year.  Sorry I’m watching it without you, baby, but we’ll watch it together lots in the years to come. 

Bono would hate my ass for giving Jeebus the ol’ asterisk treatment, but unless you’re a Ted Nugent fan, liking a singer doesn’t automatically mean you have to go along with every stupid view they have.  

So yeah... I’ve been away from the social media melting pot for a few days.  Deactivated my FB account.  I haven’t even had my phone on since Saturday night.  I was so utterly disgusted by the lack of people that came to support my band on my birthday, and also by the club I’ve worked my ass off for for two years that couldn’t even be bothered to put our name on a sign last weekend, that I decided to say “FUCK YOU ALL”.  

I’ve gotten pretty used to people in this city/province not supporting live music (although it still hurts my soul), but I’m not totally used to people not supporting me personally.   So yeah, that took me to “FUCK YOU ALL”.

I’m still there. 

I may never turn my phone back on again.  I don’t miss it.  All that’s awaits me on my phone is:

- People asking favours
- People getting on my case for expressing my opinion on issues (people who are always less educated on said topic than I am)
- Maybe a club manager offering me a show that will have me stressing out about organizing people/gear/promo/etc... so that 10 people can show up and not care what I/we’re even doing

That’s it.  Well again, fuck you all.  2013 has been thee best year of my life... and last weekend damn near ruined it all.  So, there’s going to be some changes in 2014 to make sure the shit that almost wrecked this amazing 2013 doesn’t get another chance in 2014:

1 – My professional relationship with The Sip Nightclub is over.   As of right now.   Never setting foot in there again.   Period.   I do so love all the employees of the room, I really really do
You do everything in your control to make that place successful, as did I... but at some point you realize that, while giving CPR is a noble act... continuing to try to blow air into a dead person’s lungs is just... pointless (and creepy).

2 – My constant efforts to pump the tires of other local bands is over.  (I used to do this constantly, I think I saw it reciprocated once this year)

3 – My efforts to book my own band’s shows are over.  (I spend so much time and effort banging my head against a wall to get gigs, then banging my head against a wall to get people out... then no one shows up for gigs and I look like a moron... l LOVE the guys in my band but it is seriously not worth it when I get to the point where I can’t even interact with family over Xmas because I’m so disgusted with humanity).  If venues or events want us... or [email protected].  I ain't fucking calling you. 

4 – My original music will be my only concern this year.  Y’know, when I started out in this industry, I’d play original shows to like 25 people... and I got lured into cover gigs because you got to play for way more folks.  Well... in Regina, Saskatchewan, in 2013, even the cover gigs only bring out 25 people, so if I’m going to be playing to that pathetic of a crowd, I’ll be playing my own songs.  I have one more Whatever gig booked.  Friday, Jan 31st at McNally’s... As it stands, that will be my last cover show ever in life.  Over a month away, so there, you have plenty of time to plan an excuse why you can’t show up that night.   

Merry fucking Xmas.